Horse Trucks

Horse Float and Truck Services


Common sense goes a long way towards avoiding problems. Being prepared just in case of the unforeseen circumstances will also help.

Before you set off with an unfamiliar horse be sure of what you can expect - for instance, do not plan for your first float trip with a new or young inexperienced horse to be a long one.  Make the first few trips a short distance, this will let you know how your horse travels, and if you need to take any special precautions.  


A hint when buying a horse is to ask the owner to load the horse for you and take notice of how the horse enters, if it tries to turn or pull away(scrambling) it may indicate that the horse is not a confident traveler. 

Design is known to make a significant difference in stopping horses from scrambling and helping to prevent young horses from learning to scramble.
The team at FLEETCARE can help you alter your float to help with this.


Prior to loading the horse and leaving home, be sure to thoroughly check your horse/s to ensure that there is no obvious problems such as lameness, swellings in any legs or elsewhere, eye or nose discharge etc.  Taking the horse’s temperature before you go will ensure that he is up to the trip and whatever activity you have in store for him at the other end. A raised temperature usually indicates that an infection is present and you may wish to investigate this before you leave.  If a rise in temperature is identified when you arrive at your destination you can suspect travel sickness and act accordingly.  There are some preventative measures that can be taken like having a well ventilated float this is a must particularly in warm weather and in such conditions make sure that you open the vents and/or windows to ensure the best possible ventilation.
If your float doesn’t have vents the team at FLEETCARE can help.


Be sure that your float and its ramp have a good anti-slip floor. Some floors get very slippery if the horse passes manure on it - which almost always happens when they become slightly nervous - like when you ask the horse to go on the float. Some horses travel much better if you lay straw on the floor.  A good idea is to drill a drain hole at the rear on each side to allow urine and water to drain, which in turn keeps the floor dry and prevents the floor boards from rotting.

The team at FLEETCARE can help with that.

Before you set off with an unfamiliar horse be sure of what you can expect - for instance, do not plan for your first float trip with a new or young inexperienced horse to be a long one.  Make the first few trips a short distance, this will let you know how your horse travels, and if you need to take any special precautions.  


A hint when buying a horse is to ask the owner to load the horse for you and take notice of how the horse enters, if it tries to turn or pull away(scrambling) it may indicate that the horse is not a confident traveler. 

Design is known to make a significant difference in stopping horses from scrambling and helping to prevent young horses from learning to scramble.
The team at FLEETCARE can help you alter your float to help with this.


Prior to loading the horse and leaving home, be sure to thoroughly check your horse/s to ensure that there is no obvious problems such as lameness, swellings in any legs or elsewhere, eye or nose discharge etc.  Taking the horse’s temperature before you go will ensure that he is up to the trip and whatever activity you have in store for him at the other end. A raised temperature usually indicates that an infection is present and you may wish to investigate this before you leave.  If a rise in temperature is identified when you arrive at your destination you can suspect travel sickness and act accordingly.  There are some preventative measures that can be taken like having a well ventilated float this is a must particularly in warm weather and in such conditions make sure that you open the vents and/or windows to ensure the best possible ventilation.
If your float doesn’t have vents the team at FLEETCARE can help.


Be sure that your float and its ramp have a good anti-slip floor. Some floors get very slippery if the horse passes manure on it - which almost always happens when they become slightly nervous - like when you ask the horse to go on the float. Some horses travel much better if you lay straw on the floor.  A good idea is to drill a drain hole at the rear on each side to allow urine and water to drain, which in turn keeps the floor dry and prevents the floor boards from rotting.

The team at FLEETCARE can help with that.